Payment and Shipping
All orders are shipped from our headquarter:
Hafenweg 15
48155 Münster
The final amount will be determined at the checkout process and is based on your orders weight and dimensions.
Confirmed orders are no longer subject to modifications (e.g. price match, address change etc.).
Your name, delivery address and invoice address must be written in romanized characters.
DHL Premium Package (Standard Shipping): starting from 25 €
(Maximum order value of 999,99 € due to customs regulations)
7-15 working days via DHL - delivered by Korea Post
Express shipping: starting from 25 €
2-4 working days by UPS Express Saver
Customs & Import Information
- Any customs or import duties will be charged once the parcel reaches its destination country. These charges must be paid by the parcel’s recipient (the customer). We have no influence on these charges and cannot tell you what the custom fees will be, as custom policies and import duties vary widely from country to country. For information regarding import fees and taxes, please contact your local customs authority.
- We are not responsible for any extra customs and/or brokerage fees, or delays in shipping caused by the customs authorities.
- The customer takes full liability for all postal charges, return shipment costs, customs charges and handling fees, if they refuse to accept a parcel due to import duties or taxes.
- The customer takes full liability for all postal charges, if a package is returned due to incomplete contact information (e.g. wrong address, missing house number etc.).
- Resending an order costs the standard shipping fee for the respective destination country (see above).
- For legal reasons - we cannot undervalue orders or mark them as a gift.
- Tax-free shopping for customers outside the European Union.
- All prices include VAT, but exclude delivery charges (unless otherwise indicated).
- 19% VAT will be deducted after login at the checkout.
- South Korea - European Union Free Trade Agreement: You will not be charged with import duties for products that have their origin within the European Union*.
Accepted payment methods
- Bank Transfer (for European Customers)
- / (for DE, AT, BE, PL and NL Customers)
- Paypal Express (for Worldwide Customers)
- Alipay (for Chinese customers only)
- Visa (for Worldwide Customers)
- Mastercard (for Worldwide Customers)
- American Express (for Worldwide Customers)
- JCB (for Worldwide Customers)
- Diners Club International
If you pay by credit card, your credit card account will be charged with completion of your order.
*The United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) is not part of the European Union